Cohesive Fire Strategy

Action Plan Tracking Tool

Northeast 1.1A.1

Develop and adopt prioritized prescribed burning strategies

Thursday, August 28, 2014 01:38 PM by larry
State & Sub-regional
BIA, DOI, EPA, FWS, IAFC, NPS, State Air Agencies, State Forestry Associations, TNC, USFS, & NAASF

Short Term (0-2 years)

Adopt a prioritized implementation and coordination strategy among partners through which prescribed burning needs can be met, and opportunities maximized. Supplemental Information: Priority setting among local organizations and agencies could partially resolve availability and capacity issues, such as the conflict between using the same workforce for burning and wildfire response. Opportunities can be maximized, and costs reduced when resources are combined gaining efficiencies and cost effectiveness. Success would be measured in terms of trends in coordination and collaborative efforts.

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