Cohesive Fire Strategy

Action Plan Tracking Tool

Northeast 1.1A.2a

Increase prescribed burning and smoke management training opportunities

Thursday, August 28, 2014 01:47 PM by larry
Air Quality Regulators, BIA, DOI, EPA, NACO, NFPA, NPS, State Air Agencies, State Forestry Associations, TNC, USFS, Wildland and Structural Fire Departments, EACG, NAASF, & NE RSC

Short Term (0-2 years)

Supplemental Information: Training opportunities include both formal classroom training and practical field training. Both will need to be more frequent to build an available burning workforce. The focus could be businesses and potential contractors, organizations and volunteer fire departments. Private citizens and landowners would likely get practical field experience through state and NGO programs and as opportunities allowed. Smoke management and best management practices will be an important component of training.

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