Cohesive Fire Strategy

Action Plan Tracking Tool

Northeast 1.1A.5d

Ensuring that all prescribed burners are trained in best smoke management practices.

Thursday, August 28, 2014 02:00 PM by larry
DOI, State Air Agencies, TNC, USFS, NAASF, & NE RSC
Air Quality Regulators, BIA, DOI, EPA, FWS, IAFC, NACO, NPS, State Air Agencies, State Forestry Associations, TNC, USFS, EACG, & NASF

Short Term (0-2 years)

Supplemental Information: Smoke is one of the items identified in the NASF Prescribed Fire survey (2012) as a barrier to using more controlled burning in the Region. Smoke best management practices need to be part of training, widely distributed to current burners, and included as part of the professional assistance within private land management programs.

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