Cohesive Fire Strategy

Action Plan Tracking Tool

Northeast Overarching O7a

Identify, analyze, and develop opportunities for the sustainable use of biomass to reduce fuel hazards in or adjacent to the wildland urban interface (WUI).

Thursday, August 28, 2014 02:00 PM by larry

Terry Gallagher

BIA, DOI, Eco. Dev., FAC, FWS, NACO, NPS, SAF, State Forestry Associations, State Insurance Comm., TNC, USFS, NASF, NAASF, & Forest Product Associations

Short Term (0-2 years) & Mid Term (2-4 years)

• Identify markets, assess the capacity, and communicate to agencies, Tribes, and local communities the availability of biomass utilization options that can assist with the reduction of hazardous and event-created fuels. • Identify capacity gaps that could be opportunities for job creation and sustainability • Work with the forest products, energy providers, and insurance industries to develop incentives and markets for the sustainable use of biomass while reducing the risk from hazardous fuel to communities. • Encourage funding of pilot projects; for example work with cities, schools, hospitals, energy providers, and other businesses to demonstrate the use of woody biomass for energy (heating, cooling, electric power) and other value-added uses. • The USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory is investing in wood-based nanotechnology and is producing cellulose nanomaterials. To fully realize the potential of wood-based nanotechnology on a commercial scale capable of accelerating forest restoration, public-private partnerships are needed to generate adequate investment of capital and other resources.

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