Cohesive Fire Strategy

Action Plan Tracking Tool

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Showing 31 to 40 of 298 search results...
08/28/14 02:00 PM
Northeast 1.1B.1
Develop collaborative partnerships to facilitate ecosystem-based, multi-jurisdictional planning and implementation.
Scope: State & Sub-regional
Timeframe: Long Term (>4 years)
Lead: TNC & NE RSC
08/28/14 02:00 PM
Northeast 1.1B.2
Increase Tribal and private landowner participation in landscape scale projects.
Scope: Regional
Timeframe: Short Term (0-2 years)
Lead: NA SPF
08/28/14 02:00 PM
Northeast 1.1B.3
Identify opportunities to manage natural ignitions for resource benefits.
Scope: Regional & State
Timeframe: Mid Term (2-4 years)
08/28/14 02:00 PM
Northeast 1.1B.4
Develop restoration guidance to address wildland urban interface (WUI) fire issues to help manage potential risk within fire adapted ecosystems.
Scope: Local
Timeframe: Short Term (0-2 years)
08/28/14 02:00 PM
Northeast 1.1B.1a
Identify focal areas to serve as opportunities for expansion of fire adapted ecosystems.
Scope: State & Sub-regional
Timeframe: Short Term (0-2 years) & Ongoing
Lead: NE RSC
08/28/14 02:00 PM
Northeast 1.1C.1
Develop multi-jurisdictional fuel hazard response plans to effectively coordinate efforts to address event created hazardous fuels across ownerships.
Scope: Regional
Timeframe: Short Term (0-2 years)
08/28/14 01:38 PM
Northeast 1.1C.2
Increase the use of program incentives for Tribes, communities, and private landowners to reduce the hazards from event fuels.
Scope: Regional
Timeframe: Short Term (0-2 years)
Lead: NE RSC
08/28/14 02:00 PM
Northeast 1.1C.1a
Identify existing authorities and barriers at all jurisdictional levels to developing response plans
Scope: Regional
Timeframe: Short Term (0-2 years)
08/28/14 02:00 PM
Northeast 1.1C.1b
Assess regional landscape and identify priority areas for treatment of event fuels.
Scope: Regional
Timeframe: Short Term (0-2 years) & Ongoing
Lead: NE RSC
08/28/14 02:00 PM
Northeast 1.1C.1c
Identify current risk areas to prepare pre-wildfire planning and response operations.
Scope: Local & State
Timeframe: Short Term (0-2 years) & Ongoing
Lead: NE RSC
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