Cohesive Fire Strategy

Action Plan Tracking Tool

Southeast 6.G.3 (1.A.3)

Provide education and outreach to forest products industry as well as new and non-traditional landowners to encourage them to include treatment of wildland fuels as part of integrated management plans. (6.G.3)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015 04:48 PM by mike
Goal 1: Restore and Maintain Landscapes
Goal 2: Fire Adapted Communities
Goal 3: Respond to Fire
Firefighter and Public Safety, Marketable Products, & Property Protection
Local & Regional
Firewise, IAFC, PFC, & SGSF

Short Term (0-2 years)

- SFE is able to work with collaborators to build and build information summaries as collaborators need. - Opportunity to tie in data from NSAT and private firms to help forest industry locate opportunity with need for fuels reduction (Forisk etc) - Zupko facilitating call with southern state forestry association exec 08-13-13 to dig into further. - Zupko and Plyler working on outreach publication around markets value that will be a tool to reach landowners and industry sector - Website to capture and share success stories across the region. Build into regional RSC communications and education plan.

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