Cohesive Fire Strategy

Action Plan Tracking Tool

West 0.9. Tasks 1-8

Application of the National Risk Model in the West.

1. Analyze the information presented in the national risk model to determine if it meets regional needs.

2. If the Western Region has additional needs, work with the NSAT community to address those needs, such as universities, and Federal, Tribal and state agencies.

3. Provide decision-makers with the trade-off analysis for all lands.

4. Develop and validate the modeling tools that local decision-makers can utilize.

5. Use applied biophysical and social science to support the Cohesive Strategy.

6. Apply science in a local context available for decision-makers.

7. Develop mechanisms and protocols for integration of local indigenous knowledge into the science base for local decision-making.

8. NSAT data sets should be compared and updated as necessary with finalize Westwide Risk Assessment information.

Thursday, August 28, 2014 01:38 PM by katie
National B

Katie Lighthall


Short Term (0-2 years)

Other collaborators: NSAT and social science community. Supp: Tie in Communications group to provide education to decision-makers and stakeholders on trade off analysis. NSAT Trade Off Analysis not completed, and not planning on it. WRSC planning on face to face meeting in Nov 13 to discuss how this recently released Risk Analysis Report can be applied at local levels. Determine if meets regional needs. Feb 2014 - under Action 1.2, group of diverse reps convened to look at NSAT data, and the Ager model that may be downscalable to assist in prioritizing landscapes across the region. Group wants to evaluate Westwide Risk Assessment too. March 2014 - RSC received information on WWRA. Agreed that there are multiple ways to utilize all the data available and there was consensus that groups should evaluate all available tools and use what will help the most. Action 1.2 group moving forward with putting those tools together in one place for decision makers to examine/utilize.

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