Cohesive Fire Strategy

Action Plan Tracking Tool

West 1.1.c. Tasks 1-3

Implement projects using the best available and most feasible tools.

1. Increase the variety and use of tools such as contracting authorities (including stewardship contracting), grants, agreements, local labor force, and opportunities for biomass utilization in implementing treatments to accomplish prescribed fire, mechanical, chemical, and/or other culturally appropriate treatments.

2. Consider the full range of management response actions (i.e. fire for resource benefit, re-ignition of earlier suppressed fires, landscape-scale prescribed fire projects) when managing beneficial wildfire events in the restoration and maintenance of fire resilient landscapes, when and where appropriate.

Thursday, August 28, 2014 02:00 PM by katie
Goal 1: Restore and Maintain Landscapes
National B
Local, Regional, & State

Short Term (0-2 years) & Long Term (>4 years)

Other collaborators: States, Tribes, local governments, forest products industry. 1 - 3: April 2014 - Stewardship Contracting just extended in approved Farm Bill, along with Good Neighbor Authority.

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