Cohesive Fire Strategy

Action Plan Tracking Tool

West 1.4. Tasks 1-7

Improve planning process for landscape restoration projects

1. Make better use of NEPA processes designed to increase efficiency to allow for shorter planning times in implementing projects at a landscape scale.

2. Provide additional guidance and training to decision makers and field personnel on existing expedited NEPA processes available for landscape restoration projects.

3. Explore the development of categorical exclusions (CEs) for hazardous fuels reduction projects based on past treatment history, with established limitations and local level collaboration.

4. Use CE authority for rehabilitation projects after wildfire and expand limits for locally developed, consensus-driven landscape restoration activities and treatments.

5. Continue and increase the use of categorical exclusions where NEPA compliant land management plans exist, and make applicable across jurisdictional boundaries when collaborative consensus can be reached by stakeholders, Tribes and collaborative partnerships.

6. Fully use the determination of NEPA adequacy for multi-phased projects covered under NEPA and maintenance of existing projects that had prior completed NEPA. Identify maintenance and enhancements as reasonably foreseeable connected actions.

7. Provide information to field unites regarding the appropriate use of CEQ alternative arrangements as a result of natural disasters (i.e. tornadoes, wind throw, catastrophic wildfire, floods).

Thursday, August 28, 2014 02:00 PM by katie
Goal 1: Restore and Maintain Landscapes
National B
National & Regional

Mid Term (2-4 years)

Other collaborators: CEQ, EPA, OGC, Solicitor, DHS, and state, Tribal and local environmental regulatory agencies. Supp info: Agencies have different NEPA authorities, and ability to implement the above tasks will vary by agency. April 2014 - Region 6 highlighted specific examples of these efforts. See Overarching actions.

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