Cohesive Fire Strategy

Action Plan Tracking Tool

West 3.2.c. Tasks 1-2

Create a national "all lands, all hands" wildland fire accident and injury reporting system.

1. Develop a national wildland firefighter health and safety reporting system for all widland agencies and jurisdictions that gathers and tracks accidents, incidents and "no fault" close calls and supports a safety culture that effectively assesses risks and offers acceptable safe practices.

2. Design a proposal to offer the NWCG Executive Board that establishes a reporting commitment from each supporting agency (DOI, FS, NASF, USFA) to annually provide wildland injury and accident statistics in a consistent way for a comprehensive database to track trends in firefighter exposure. Attempt to establish this data profile by 12/31/2014.

Thursday, August 28, 2014 01:38 PM by katie
Goal 3: Respond to Fire
National C

Short Term (0-2 years) & Mid Term (2-4 years)

Collaborators: Forest Service research, CDC-NIOSH, IAWF, IAFF, IAFC Supplemental info: Include any other information the region feels is important to the action such as activity tracking, output-based metrics. Consider using SAFENET, or a reporting process based on SAFENET.

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