Cohesive Fire Strategy

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Showing 231 to 240 of 298 search results...
02/10/15 04:48 PM
Southeast 6.G.2 (1.A.2)
Identify high priority areas for fuels treatments using the SWRA, local knowledge of fuels and fire risk, and other available tools. (6.G.2)
Goals: Fire Adapted Communities & Respond to Fire
Scope: Local & Regional
Timeframe: Short Term (0-2 years)
02/10/15 04:48 PM
Southeast 6.G.3 (1.A.3)
Provide education and outreach to forest products industry as well as new and non-traditional landowners to encourage them to include treatment of wildland fuels as part of integrated management plans. (6.G.3)
Goals: Restore and Maintain Landscapes, Fire Adapted Communities, & Respond to Fire
Scope: Local & Regional
Timeframe: Short Term (0-2 years)
02/10/15 04:48 PM
Southeast 6.G.4 (1.A.4)
Encourage the use of alternative management techniques (mechanical, grazing etc.) to treat wildland fuels where prescribed fire is not feasible or appropriate. (6.G.4)
Goals: Restore and Maintain Landscapes & Fire Adapted Communities
Scope: Local & Regional
Timeframe: Long Term (>4 years)
08/28/14 01:47 PM
Southeast 6.G.5 (1.A.5)
Identify areas where fuels treatments provide significant ecological benefits. (6.G.5)
Goals: Restore and Maintain Landscapes, Fire Adapted Communities, & Respond to Fire
Scope: Local & Regional
Timeframe: Mid Term (2-4 years)
Lead: DoD, DOI, SGSF, & USFS
02/10/15 04:48 PM
Southeast 6.H.1
Communicate current and predicted fire potential with Southern Area Coordinating Group, SGSF and partners. (6.H.1)
Goals: Fire Adapted Communities & Respond to Fire
Scope: Regional
Timeframe: Short Term (0-2 years)
Lead: SACG
02/10/15 04:48 PM
Southeast 6.H.2
Develop and provide incentives to local communities for creating and implementing of preparedness plans. (6.H.2)
Goals: Fire Adapted Communities & Respond to Fire
Scope: Local
Timeframe: Mid Term (2-4 years)
Lead: NACO & NLC
02/10/15 04:48 PM
Southeast 6.H.3
Support Firewise communities and CARs with CWPPs in place (and equivalent programs) to increase the awareness of community members. (6.H.3)
Goals: Fire Adapted Communities & Respond to Fire
Scope: Local
Timeframe: Long Term (>4 years)
08/28/14 01:47 PM
Southeast 6.H.4
Incorporate CWPPs into the SWRA. (6.H.4)
Goals: Fire Adapted Communities & Respond to Fire
Scope: Regional
Timeframe: Short Term (0-2 years)
Lead: SGSF
02/10/15 04:48 PM
Southeast 6.H.5
Identify transportation routes capable of handling large equipment and two-way traffic (ingress/egress). (6.H.5)
Goals: Fire Adapted Communities & Respond to Fire
Scope: Local
Timeframe: Mid Term (2-4 years)
Lead: RSC
02/10/15 04:48 PM
Southeast 6.H.6
Create geographically specific messages to enhance coordination and planning of cooperator/community meetings. (6.H.6)
Goals: Fire Adapted Communities & Respond to Fire
Scope: Regional
Timeframe: Short Term (0-2 years)
Lead: RSC
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