Cohesive Fire Strategy

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08/28/14 01:38 PM
West 0.3. Tasks 1-3
1. Define incentives (financial, recognition, resources, and traditional and non-traditional market-based solutions).
2. Establish a recognition process for successful collaboration that leads to results.
3. Establish a pool of grant funds to allocate to successful collaboration efforts to further landscape restoration and community protection work associated with CWPPs or Tribal equivalents.
Priority: National B
Goals: Overarching
Scope: Local, National, Regional, State, Sub-regional, & Tribal
Timeframe: Mid Term (2-4 years)
Lead: NACO
08/28/14 02:00 PM
West 0.4.a. Tasks 1-3
1. Review existing grant program criteria at the state level.
2. Promote modification to emphasize collaboration, if needed.
3. Have states adopt new criteria, if needed.
Priority: Regional B
Goals: Overarching
Scope: Local & State
Timeframe: Short Term (0-2 years)
Lead: State Forestry Associations
08/28/14 02:00 PM
West 0.4.b. Tasks 1-2
1. Have Federal agencies prioritize collaborative efforts through the budget process.
2. Consider alignment with the Action O.4.a under this recommendation in the prioritization of projects. State and regional level Federal managers will consider allocating their discretionary funds to support objectives established by broadly representative and diverse state committees.
Priority: National B
Goals: Overarching
Scope: Local, National, Regional, State, Sub-regional, & Tribal
Timeframe: Mid Term (2-4 years)
08/28/14 02:00 PM
West 0.5.a. Tasks 1-7
1. Leadership between DOI and USFS to determine funding allocation. Pursue permanent authorization to enable transfer of funds from all Federal sources to DOI to compact OR 638 contract programmatic actions and activities (consultation, partnership collaboration, implementation, research, monitoring and adaptation) through the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act.
2. Recommend to leadership in DOI, EPA, and USDA to set aside program funds for Tribes to assist in planning and to implement collaborative Tribal network programs and projects across multi-juridictional landscapes.
3. Modify the regulations to enable the transfer of non-recurring funds to compacts to invest in collaborative training and supplemental project activities.
4. Establish pilot projects throughout the Western region to develop unique collaborative agreements, MOAs and MOUs, charter(s) and/or local operation plans(s) between agencies, Tribes, states and other partners. Maximize integration across all three goals of the Cohesive Strategy, define roles, responsibilities and collaborative budgetary needs. Select pilot projects based on where one or more agreement is already in place to expedite pilot planning and implementation.
5. Recommend Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) participation in collaborative groups with an interest in enabling alpha testing of Western Regional Air Partnership Guidance on categorizing natural vs. anthropogenic emission sources relating to Native American Cultural Burns, and assist in coordinating Performance Partnership Grants and/or General Assistance Program funding for pilot actions and activities.
6. Develop guidance on categorizing natural vs. anthropogenic emission sources relating to Native American Cultural Burns, prescribed fire and wildfire management, and assist in coordinating Performance Partnership Grants and/or General Assistance Program funding to support pilot actions and activities, and help facilitate climate adaption associated programmatic capacity building.
7. Use locally relevant combinations of compacts, MOAs and MOUs, contracts, grants, and/or agreements to align partnership program of work, and facilitate expediency and flexibility in using funds efficiently and effectively in a collaborative and mutually beneficial manner.
Priority: Regional B
Goals: Overarching
Scope: Local, Regional, & Tribal
Timeframe: Mid Term (2-4 years)
Lead: BIA, ITTC, & Tribes
08/28/14 01:38 PM
West 0.5.b. Tasks 1-7
1. Glean successes and barriers from pilot projects and recommend authorization of Tribal Resource Management Plans to apply to all lands through amendment to the National Indian Forest Resources Management Act.
2. Recommend compact negotiation authority for all agencies and departments through Tribal Self Governance amendments to the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act.
3. Glean successes and barriers from pilot projects and recommend modification/permanent authorization of the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program (2009 Omnibus). Extend overarching contract/agreement mechanisms to 20-year terms.
4. Glean successes and barriers from pilot projects and recommend modification to the Tribal Forest Protection Act, refine adjacency definition to be consistent with established Tribal jurisdictions, extend overarching contract/agreement mechanisms to 20-year terms.
5. Glean successes and barriers from pilots and recommend updates to the Farm Bill, achieve consistency across all authorities.
6. Formulate an executive guide to integrated mandates, authorities and opportunities.
7. Encourage legislative remedies to address barriers and institutionalize successful pilot programs and projects.
Priority: Regional B
Goals: Overarching
Scope: Regional
Timeframe: Mid Term (2-4 years)
Lead: BIA, ITTC, & Tribes
08/28/14 02:00 PM
West 0.6. Tasks 1-5
1. Support the WFEC to address the priority barriers identified by the CSSC.
2. Facilitate working with the WFEC and other regions to assist in implementing actions and timeline for implementation to remove the 50-plus identified barriers that prevent regions from reducing risk.
3. Streamline processes for complying with environmental protection laws.
4. Enable and encourage agencies to share environmental compliance studies/documents in their individual agency decision-making processes.
5. Simplify the land exchange process between states and the Federal government. Remove barriers to exchanges pursuant to the Federal Land Transaction Facilitation Act (FLTFA) and the Federal Land Policy Management Act (FLPMA). A provision should be added to FLPMA that addresses the public interest requirement and clarifies that a special relationship exists between the Federal government and the sovereign states, and that agreed upon Federal-state exchanges are in the public interest.
Priority: National A
Goals: Overarching
Scope: National & Regional
Timeframe: Short Term (0-2 years) & Ongoing
Lead: RSC & WGA
08/28/14 02:00 PM
West 0.7. Tasks 1-3
1. Convene a group of local government officials to assess their most important needs and resources to integrate the Cohesive Strategy into their communities and operations.
2. Develop a plan to secure resources to meet the needs assessment and implement.
3. Study the feasibility of developing a Leaders Guide for Cohesive Strategy as it pertains to all Cohesive Strategy stakeholders and if feasible, develop a proposed process to create ad implement the Guide.
Priority: Regional C
Goals: Overarching
Scope: Local & Regional
Timeframe: Short Term (0-2 years)
Lead: IAFC
08/28/14 02:00 PM
West 0.8. no tasks
This recommendation is national in scope. The task is being accomplished at the national level with the formulation of the National Action Plan.
Priority: National A
Goals: Overarching
Scope: National
Timeframe: Short Term (0-2 years)
Lead: WFLC
08/28/14 01:38 PM
West 0.9. Tasks 1-8
1. Analyze the information presented in the national risk model to determine if it meets regional needs.
2. If the Western Region has additional needs, work with the NSAT community to address those needs, such as universities, and Federal, Tribal and state agencies.
3. Provide decision-makers with the trade-off analysis for all lands.
4. Develop and validate the modeling tools that local decision-makers can utilize.
5. Use applied biophysical and social science to support the Cohesive Strategy.
6. Apply science in a local context available for decision-makers.
7. Develop mechanisms and protocols for integration of local indigenous knowledge into the science base for local decision-making.
8. NSAT data sets should be compared and updated as necessary with finalize Westwide Risk Assessment information.
Priority: National B
Goals: Overarching
Scope: Regional
Timeframe: Short Term (0-2 years)
Lead: RSC
08/28/14 02:00 PM
West 0.10. Tasks 1-4
1. Upon completion of the National Risk and Trade Off Analysis, identify national and regional data gaps needed for future analysis.
2. Work with the science and technical community in developing a process for gathering or collecting and updating the needed data.
3. Solicit feedback from the NSAT concerning data gaps they are experiencing while conducting the National Risk and Trade Off Analysis which may have applicability to WRSC Action Plan.
4. WRSC will engage the Pacific Islands and Alaska and Hawaii in assessing their data gaps to determine if they can accept this Action Plan, or develop an amended plan for their needs.
Priority: National C
Goals: Overarching
Scope: Regional
Timeframe: Short Term (0-2 years)
Lead: RSC
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